Computer Science Teaching Assistant, Tufts University, MA, USA
Jan. 2017 - Present
Class taught in C++
Head of Grading Quality Assurance Task Force. Write extensive grading rubricks for fellow TAs and look over all grading scorecards to ensure consistency across all grading.
Teach students a weekly assignment in a lab and answer follow up questions
Hold office hours to answer questions and explain concepts
Grade assignments on a weekly basis
CS Intern, Active Standard, London, UK
July 2014
Testing, identifying, and fixing bugs with the Quality Assurance department
CS Intern, Flipboard Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA
June 2013
Sorted customer orders with major companies for advert placements with the Engineering and Marketing staff
Leadership Positions
Executive Sports Editor, Tufts Daily Newspaper
August 2017 - December 2017
Edit and prepare content for publishing 5 days/week
Assign daily articles to writers, train new writers, oversee 25-30 writers and editors